Winter Tulip Club at Green Dragon Farm

Our Winter Tulip Club is underway. Thanks to all those that have joined. For those that may be late to the party and have not yet joined, we do have a new 4-week offering available. A twist on our last offering, with this membership you receive a bouquet from our curated collection, 4 out of the next 6 weeks. Includes double, peony-style, flamboyant parrots, frilly and fringed florets, and elegant large-cupped singles. Head on over to our Farm Shop for details.

4-week members: As a reminder you are split into groups. Remember your group. Our weekly email will designate which groups are picking up each week.

 Pick-up will be at Green Dragon Farm, inside the Farmstand, on Saturdays between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. As stated at the time of purchase, If you need to miss a week, we recommend asking a friend or neighbor to pick up your bouquet and share your love of flowers with another person that week. 

Saturday Feb 11th
Featured Variety: Lorenzo
Classification : Double Early

Picking Up This Week:
8 - weekers
4 - weekers Group 2
4 - weekers Group 3

Individual Bouquets

If you are not a member of the  Winter Tulip Club, you can still reserve some color!  Saturday February 11, we will have some individual bunches available for purchase. Our blooms are harvested in bud stage for extended enjoyment and vase-life, bunched in 10-stem bouquets and sleeved in recycled paper.

Lorenzo bouquets are avialbale for pre-purchase here. If you already emailed us last week to reserve a bouquet, you are all set. Now that the Farm Shop is up and running, rather than emailing to reserve a bouquet, just head on over to the Farm Shop to pre-order. If you are a 4-week member and it is not your week for pick-up, but your heart is skipping a beat over the featured variety that week, you can also pre-order an extra bunch. 

Farm Fresh Eggs
We will continue to save eggs from the ladies and will have some available for pick-up next Saturday when you grab your bouquet.

Thank you for your ongoing support.
- Jenny

Our greenhouse address is:
Jenny's Edibles and Blooms
Green Dragon Farm
225 Sandwich Rd
MA 02536